3 Website Redesign Tips to Improve Your Online Presence

/ / Website Design & Internet Marketing

In 2021, it’s not enough that your business merely has a website. Your website also needs to be designed in a way that appeals to both web users and search engines.

Contrary to popular belief, that doesn’t mean your site needs all the fanciest bells and whistles. Rather, it needs to be attractive, functional, well-aligned with your brand, and designed to be easily found online.

If you’ve decided that it’s time for a website refresh, you might be wondering what to prioritize. Keep these three tips in mind and you’ll be well on your way to boosting your web presence.

Optimize For Search Engines

Search engine optimization isn’t a new concept, but it’s one that many business owners forget about until after their site is already live. Any SEO company would recommend optimizing a website from the very start. While SEO builds on itself over time (and the work is never really done), it’s a whole lot easier to achieve the search engine ranking results you want if the site is designed with SEO in mind.

There are many ways to optimize for search engines during the website redesign process. For instance, your designer can create separate landing pages for different service areas, allowing you to optimize for local SEO. Using relevant keywords in title tags, headings, and meta descriptions from the beginning will also help. Adding a blog, where you can continuously publish content that’s fresh and optimized, is also a great way to set your site up for SEO success.

When choosing a web design company, remember it’s not only about the look of your site. You’ll want to make sure that they have a thorough understanding of SEO -- and that they integrate these principles into their designs -- as well.

Integrate Online Review Management

Online reviews are critical for businesses in the digital age. Generating and managing your online reviews is a huge part of maintaining your brand perception.

Of course, there are a number of platforms that customers can use to leave their feedback. But you may want to consider integrating an online review management system into the actual design of your website. With a tool like this, you can easily connect all of your online profiles and automate review generation tactics through your website. You can even track your goals and access insights to help you gain more positive reviews.

Since we know that web visitors take online reviews seriously and value them just as much (or even more than) personal recommendations, it makes sense that you’d want to include review management as part of your website redesign. Centralizing your online reviews will make it easier to control your brand reputation and will ensure your site is seen as trustworthy from the moment you relaunch.

Factor CRO Into UX (And Put UX First)

Aesthetics will only take you so far. Having a unique-looking website isn’t nearly as important as the experience it provides for users. Customers care that a website is attractive, but only as long as it doesn’t adversely affect their ability to access the information they need.

That’s why you need to put user experience (known as UX) first during your redesign. If the website is difficult to navigate, slow to load, or doesn’t provide the basic functionality users are looking for, they’re going to look elsewhere for answers -- regardless of how visually appealing the design might seem.

Not only do you need to put UX first, but you should also factor CRO into your user experience. CRO, or conversion rate optimization, typically involves design principles that guide a visitor into performing certain actions when they arrive on a site.

In other words, your site needs to be designed to maximize conversions. This might involve removing certain barriers that cause customers to abandon the process at a certain point or designing a website with a very clear customer journey. CRO and UX often work in-tandem to make sure that every visit is a positive one for the user and that it’s more likely to result in a conversion for your business. As such, you’ll want to consider both of these elements in your website redesign.

It’s not always easy to know what to focus on during a website redesign. But if you remember these three tips -- and work with a professional -- your site will stand out for all the right reasons.

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