Latest News & Blog Articles on SEO & Internet Marketing

In 2021, it’s not enough that your business merely has a website. Your website also needs to be designed in a way that appeals to both web users and search engines. Contrary to popular belief, that doesn’t mean your site needs all the fanciest bells and whistles. Rather, it needs to be attractive, functional, well-aligned

Winning and Losing Strategies in the Internet Marketing

As consumers become increasingly desensitized from a crowded and convoluted digital marketing landscape, some experts say it is time to make marketing less digital, more human. When online marketing began, the Internet was touted as “leveling the playing field” for businesses, brands, and entrepreneurs to have equal, unfettered, and direct access to a global audience

Marketers know that attracting the attention of their ideal audience and engaging them long enough to communicate an idea from the business or brand requires a video strategy. Video has a powerful one-two punch that attracts and draws attention. People are more engaged with video than any other form of communication, especially the written word.

How to Make a Video: a Step-by-Step Guide

How to Make a Video: a Step-by-Step Guide

In 2019, video marketing is being used more than ever. A whopping 87% of businesses say they use it as part of their overall inbound strategy. Despite its success, creating a video may seem daunting if your company has never done it before. Why are we so afraid of doing video? Most of us get ;paralyzed

Want to make your business more memorable on Instagram? Looking for tips to boost brand loyalty with your audience? In this article, you’ll discover five tips to ensure your Instagram account stands out. When developing an Instagram business profile, most companies focus on the visual aspects of their brand.[…] Natasa Djukanovic, “5 Ways to Humanize Your Instagram

The Most Useful Ways To Utilize Google Search Console

Even if you don’t have much marketing experience, you understand how critical a presence on Google is to getting your business name out there. It’s the world’s largest search engine, and it’s often the place people go to discover new brands that can solve the problem they’re facing. All of this to say that how

27 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Website

27 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Website

Between writing a new blog post, posting on social media, and strategizing for a new email campaign, it’s hard to look back and see what’s driving traffic to your site and what isn’t. Inbound marketing focuses on attracting the right people to your company. One of the best ways to do this is by creating

SEO vs PPC: A Quick Guide to Online Marketing

Search engine marketing is better than Pay Per Click (PPC) marketing on almost every occasion. However, there are many times when the search engines are not your friend, in which case the SEO vs PPC argument starts to apply. […] Robert Clough, “SEO vs PPC: A Quick Guide to Online Marketing”,, Search Engine Guide,

Why are Backlinks Important for SEO?

Backlinks have become increasingly important for search engine optimization. Backlinks are when one website links to a second website. Essentially, they are links on another website that directs towards your website. The number of backlinks indicates to search engines the importance and value of a certain website. […] Danielle Foley, “Why are Backlinks Important for SEO?”,

4 Benefits of Using Social Media to Grow Your Small Business

Businesses that aren’t using social media to connect with customers are missing out on huge growth potential. Social media is one of the most effective ways to nurture your business. Learning about your target audience can help you make informed marketing and analytic decisions […] Thomas Griffin, “4 Benefits of Using Social Media to Grow

How Influencer Marketing Is Helping SMBs to Grow

Small business owners constantly have to be on top of their game when it comes to marketing and advertising. Without marketing, it’s tough to bring the amount of business that is needed to remain profitable in the long run. As the digital marketing world changes rapidly, keeping up with social media can be challenging.[…] Tulip

Email has been around longer than social media, and it will be around long after some other technology has replaced social media. Email is even older than the internet itself. If you are interested in increasing your small business revenues, you are much better off investing in email than you are investing in social media.

Small Marketing Tricks To Promote Your Business Locally

It doesn’t matter how great your product is, if no one has heard about it. That’s why it is so important to find ways to reach potential buyers. Nowadays, there is an abundance of channels with which to promote your services. The bigger the funds, the easier it is to implement a successful marketing strategy,

How To Use Social Media Marketing For Your Business

Social media marketing is a form of internet marketing that relies on the process of gaining traffic or attention through social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. By utilizing these platforms to connect with potential customers, you can build your brand and increase sales. Rilee Viggers, “How To Use Social Media Marketing For Your

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a complex discipline, but you don’t have to be an SEO guru to help improve your website’s visibility in search engine results. With a little effort and adherence to some best practices, you can help ensure your website gets found online by people looking for the types of products and

New Research Shows Businesses Aren’t Proactive Enough When it Comes to Managing Online Reputation

Recent Data Suggests That Businesses Aren’t Doing Enough to Proactively Protect and Build Their Online Reputation. Small Businesses Need to Take Active Steps to Promote Their Own Brand Online, Including Regularly Monitoring Their Online Reputation, Responding to Reviews, and Promoting Their Own Brand Online. MTS Staff Writer, “New Research Shows Businesses Aren’t Proactive Enough When

Your Digital Marketing Budget: What You Must Know As A Small Business Owner

Does your small business have a digital marketing budget? In this new article, we explain why your business needs one and how you can build an effective marketing budget that works for you. Let’s get started. Building A Digital Marketing Budget: What You Need To Know. Dexter Roona, “Your Digital Marketing Budget: What You Must

Tips on internet marketing

Facebook doesn’t care about your small business. Influencers are a bad bet for most marketing plans. Google has sprouted digital eyes and ears. And, it turns out you can just pay Google to have people call you. This year has brought seismic change to internet marketing. […] Kellen Kautzman, “Tips on internet marketing”,, Las

What Is Content Marketing, And How Can Your Business Use It to Sell?

The customer life cycle of a product or service is a delicate process to manage. You need to find the right customers, convince them to make a purchase and keep their interest so they continue to come back. But how do people find out about your business? Jim Granat, “What Is Content Marketing, And How

Digital marketing strategies: top tips and hints

According to Omnicore , better content can increase your online traffic by 2000%. An impressive statistic, and one that certainly solidifies the idea that content most definitely is King – but what’s considered ‘good’ content, and how does one create it? Creating a digital marketing strategy for your business […] Poppy Mortiboys-Harrison, “Digital marketing strategies:

Small Business Website Design, SEO & Internet Marketing Company
Ken Mercado Studio. Lawrence, MA

Ken Mercado Studio is a small business website design, SEO and internet marketing company based out of Lawrence, Massachusetts. We enjoy creating websites, but helping small businesses get more clients from the internet is our passion. Since 2008 we have been helping small business owners with website development, internet marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO). Our passion for website design and website development have allowed us to earn a reputation for getting high-quality results for our clients. We specialize in designing and developing modern effective websites for small businesses, that are easy to use and navigate. Our services include; content writing, website development, website design, search engine marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), website hosting set-up, and website maintenance services.

Small Business
Website Design, SEO
& Internet Marketing

Helping small businesses with their website and marketing since 2008
small business website design, internet marketing, website development, search engine optimization (SEO)