Why are Backlinks Important for SEO?

/ / Website Design & Internet Marketing

Backlinks have become increasingly important for search engine optimization. Backlinks are when one website links to a second website. Essentially, they are links on another website that directs towards your website. The number of backlinks indicates to search engines the importance and value of a certain website. […]

Quality backlinks can also increase website traffic.

The more places your website address/link shows up, the more opportunities people will see it and visit your website. Below we have listed important stats and reasons why backlinks are important to rank high in search engines and increase SEO:

On average, the search results that show up highest on page 1 will have the greatest number of linking domains above the others in the search results. Webpages ranking #1 had an average of 168% more linking domains than those ranking #5.

HTTPS is good for searches because search engines love to increase the rank for websites with HTTPS as it is more secure and trustworthy. Webpages on HTTPS had positive correlation with higher rankings, with 33% of all the sampled URL that ranked either #1, #2 or #3 using HTTPS.[...]

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