Video Marketing Strategy: The Power of Video During the Customer Journey

/ / Website Design & Internet Marketing

Marketers know that attracting the attention of their ideal audience and engaging them long enough to communicate an idea from the business or brand requires a video strategy. Video has a powerful one-two punch that attracts and draws attention. People are more engaged with video than any other form of communication, especially the written word.

Michael Stelzner, “Video Marketing Strategy: The Power of Video During the Customer Journey”,, Social Media Examiner, 10/04/19. Click here to view original web page.

Today, the ability to create and use video in any communication and marketing strategy is in everyone’s hands.

It’s their smartphone. There’s no need to invest a lot of money in video equipment that you probably have no idea how to use. Anyone can now create a video with something that’s right in their pocket. As a result, video is everywhere.

Every social platform now has native video and almost all have video ads. Some have a short-form video format too. With such a variety of possibilities, social media channels, tools, and ways to create a video, many marketers are overwhelmed and stick their heads in the sand. Some don’t do video or take action because it all seems too confusing and difficult.[...]

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