Winning and Losing Strategies in the Internet Marketing Space

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Winning and Losing Strategies in the Internet Marketing

As consumers become increasingly desensitized from a crowded and convoluted digital marketing landscape, some experts say it is time to make marketing less digital, more human. When online marketing began, the Internet was touted as “leveling the playing field” for businesses, brands, and entrepreneurs to have equal, unfettered, and direct access to a global audience of potential customers. The World Wide Web, email marketing, search engine marketing, and then social media marketing, were seen as rich, virgin territories with unlimited potential for marketing pioneers to make fast money.[…]

But times have changed, and so have consumers.

A recent study by the McCarthy Group found that 84% of millennials do not like, and do not trust, traditional advertising. A separate study from Forrester Research found that only 1% of business-to-business marketing leads convert – which means that 99% of all marketing effort and advertising expense is wasted.

Add to that the declining use of social media (as cited by Edison Research), ongoing privacy and data breach concerns, information overload, consumer fatigue, audience fragmentation, and the massive transference of big brand advertising budgets from traditional to digital media, and all signs point to a tremendous market correction.

“We are in an online marketing crisis,” says Amber Vilhauer, an industry-leading marketing strategist and founder of NGNG Enterprises. “Consumers are being pitched to constantly and no one is paying attention.”

Vilhauer is the launch manager who designs and executes digital strategies for powerful online brands and industry leaders such as Mike Michalowicz, Joel Comm, Susie Carder, Lisa Nichols, and Les Brown. She believes that attracting new clients in the online space requires business owners to stand out by making a more human connection with people. “The market is saturated, people are becoming desensitized, and marketing lingo isn’t working,” Vilhauer explains. “It is human nature to connect with others; that’s the reason social media grew in popularity so quickly. The solution isn’t more ads and more automation. Instead, we need to create more human connections in our digital world. You have to prioritize making human connections in every aspect of your business.”[...]

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