How Influencer Marketing Is Helping SMBs to Grow

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How Influencer Marketing Is Helping SMBs to Grow

Small business owners constantly have to be on top of their game when it comes to marketing and advertising.

Without marketing, it’s tough to bring the amount of business that is needed to remain profitable in the long run.

As the digital marketing world changes rapidly, keeping up with social media can be challenging.[…]

Digital marketing is fast-changing and introducing new techniques into the marketplace to replace the old ones.

One of the newest strategies for small to medium-sized business owners to leverage social media is influencer marketing. Influencer marketing is fairly new to small businesses but has been around for some time now, yet usually only thought of with celebrities such as movie stars and actors.

Today, small businesses are evolving to use this strategy and realizing the benefits that it can have on their business. According to Influencer Marketing Hub, businesses are making $7.65 for every $1 spent on influencer marketing these days.

This will continue to grow, and more and more businesses hop on board the influencer marketing train. One study in terms of social media influencing found that influencers on Instagram tend to be the most powerful—in fact, almost 50% of Instagram users said that their purchase decisions were swayed by influencers on their feeds. Your social media campaigns need to be set up properly so that you can target the correct audience and not waste your advertising dollars.[...]

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